About Me

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I have a Bachelor's in Psychology, a Master's in Human Relations, and a Ph.D. in telling people what to do. I raise children, dogs, cats, and hermit crabs and cultivate crabgrass and pretty weeds. I am teaching myself to cook, not because I love to cook but because I love to eat. I love to travel, read, and take pictures; I also like to write, so you'll get to read a lot about all the aforementioned subjects plus about anything else I happen to feel like sharing with you. I'll take all your questions and may even give some back with answers if you're lucky and I'm feeling helpful (or bored.)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Has it really come to this?

 I know it's hard not to be bitter when dealing with a person who lies and/or cheats. But ladies, please, take the high road.  Don't go online or take out an ad in the paper or staple notices on the local utility poles about how much you hate the guy, or drag out every little detail of his infidelity, or list all the lies he told you and/or everyone else.  I have to say, I am shocked a website like that is actually permitted to exist.  The potential for slander is so extreme on that kind of a website that I cannot believe it hasn't been shut down, to say nothing of the immaturity level it displays.

Yes, yes, I know, the supposed point of the website is to "warn" other people about these individuals and their bad behavior.  And some people, indeed, seem like they ought to come with a warning label tattooed on their faces.  But if what they've done isn't considered illegal or a threat to someone else, but just hurtful and/or stupid, don't air it to the world.  Remember that Golden Rule you heard at some point while growing up?  This is a good time to follow it.

Some people do stupid things.  Some people do stupid things with abandon.  Some people do stupid things and regret them.  Some people don't do stupid things, but have bitter, shallow exes who enjoy ruining other people's lives by making up falsehoods about them.  And I can guarantee that all of these kinds of people are well-documented on that website.  

Look, if you've been (or are currently) with one of the first two types of people on the above list, you have two choices: take it or leave it.  Literally.  Either put up with it or walk away from it, but whichever you choose, shut up about it.  No one besides your mother, sister, or best friend is going to care about what he did anyway, and spouting off to the public at large only makes YOU look like the fool, not him.   If you must vent, (and we all must from time to time), there's a time and a place for it, and that's in a private conversation with your therapist, mother, sister, or best friend.  

If you've been (or are currently with) one of the latter two types of people on said list, you have no business dragging their name through the mud to begin with.  If you publicly shred someone's character with falsehoods, you'd best expect the same fate yourself.  

I don't really empathize with either party in this guy's lawsuit (they both seem childish and vengeful), but I do hope it brings about the end of such blast-your-ex forums as the one she posted on.  It's bad enough when people take to facebook to rip someone apart, but at least that's (usually) limited to a select group of people, and not searchable on a major search engine.  Just because the tabloids get away with defaming someone's character (and they don't always get away with it-they lose plenty of lawsuits themselves) doesn't mean you will.  Even if what you write is true, it still makes you look petty for making it public, not to mention the revenge acts that might follow.  

I know, politicians and Charlie Sheen tear people apart publicly all the time.  But before you're tempted to follow their shining examples, remember what the majority of people think about them.  And ask yourself if that's how you really want to be seen as well.  

Friday, January 13, 2012

Why yes, I'll take some of that...

Today's forecast:  partly sunny, 87 degrees.

....oh wait, that's Turks and Caicos, where I wish I was today.  Where I actually am, there's a 4 degree wind chill.

Looking at the weather for tropical vacation spots is like watching weather porn.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I could have told you that

Please, my fellow ladies, don't prove it wrong.  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

So, yeah.

I don't have anything important to discuss; I just felt that since it's been so long since I wrote a blog post, I should at least write something and stick it up.

We went to Oklahoma for Christmas and had a pretty good time.  I can never decide which I miss more, Tulsa or Norman; I'm always sad to leave either of them.

While I was there, I tried on bridesmaids dresses for my sister's wedding.  She's decided to go with short, strapless ones.  Which admittedly I like, but these arms and legs of mine have some serious toning to do.   Argh.  Soldier wrote our weight loss goals on our bathroom mirror so that it literally stares us in the face several times a day.

Because I plan on wearing some kick-ass heels with that dress and I want to look awesome.